Monday, October 31, 2011

Dominate Rift Review

Here is some advice straight from the Dominate Rift guide. If you are interested in getting the most out of your artifacts gathering, I highly recommend Dominate Rift Review because it's a great way to quickly find artifacts in the game world.

Here are some additional tips for finding artifacts quickly in Telara:

The racials for high elves or bahmi are ideal for finding great artifacts since you'll have either angelic flight or mighty leap. Basiaclly this will save you a lot of trouble when you're trying to get to toughly placed artifacts.

Always check behind objects, whether they are buildings, rocks, trees, etc. There will almost always be an artifact there. Keep in mind that these suckers are placed very deftly in the places you will least expect. Also, look UP to find new artifacts.

Try checking in opposite faction areas. This is a bit tougher if you play on a PvP server of course, but you will be able to make massive profits selling these artifacts on the AH if you do it. In fact some of these artifacts are required for two different sets. So if you need cash and are willing to take a little risk, this is a great strategy. The Dominate Rift Review includes strategies such as these.

Also while you're playing the auction house, be on the lookout for people who've posted rare artifacts for super cheap prices. For example 5 plat or less from an invasion you should buy out and repost. Definitely. This is a great moneymaking strategy.

Remember if an artifact is hard to get for you, it will be that much more valuable for other players, so don't be scared to go after it until you get it. Perseverance is key.

If you see other people out farming the same artifact zones you are, be considerate. Also this applies to the auction house prices. If you are undercutting people do it fairly low, at say one or two silver. Don't try to go super low beneath other players, and try talking to them if they're trying to jack your prices and you feel like they're cheating you.

If you end up farming the same spot as another player you should probably ask them about their farming schedule to figure out how it makes up with yours. For example if they are farming one day and you are farming another, you can work that out to your advantage on the auction house. You can also consider teaming up to fill each other in on various spawn points for new artifacts.

Ultimately the best Dominate Rift Review advice I can give you for farming artifacts is not to sell yourself short. If you go out and farm, you should be selling your artifacts for a decent price because you went and put the work into it. If you check out Dominate Rift, you'll see that you can easily get a location guide for each of the artifact spawn points that will let you quickly locate and collect them. It will basically give you a huge boost up on all the other players.

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Dominate Rift